Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Offseason Intoxication

Hey A’s,

Wow it’s been a while!  As the fond memories of our stellar 2010 campaign fade out like John Wayne on horseback, and the promise of 2011 looms on that illustrious horizon just over the Museum of Natural History, I think it’s about time we all got together and got drunk.  And no sissy stuff – I’m talking Effing A’d up drunk.  I’m pretty sure you’d all agree with me.

So, I’d like to invite everyone out for a happy hour on Friday of this week to fight off the cold and keep those throwing arms warm, because spring training is right around the corner.  As much as I love Post pub, its ummmm, aroma, let’s call it, has become particularly pungent of late so I would like to seek out a slightly less stinky venue.  Sandy has suggested Mackey’s (18th and L ish) so that’s our proposed destination, but I’m open to suggestions.

If you’re interested, let me know.  Or don’t and just show up (I’ll send around deets on Thursday or Friday).  It’s all good.

Effing A,
