Friday, July 31, 2009

Sweet, Glorious Victory!

Hola A's,

For those of you who couldn't make it to last night's game, you sure missed a good one. After
forging an unlikely alliance between the Effing A's and the Department of Justice, the A's/
DOJers thoroughly trounced the Un-Indicteds/some other DOJers with a whopping 22-4
smackdown. I think that means we re-indicted them.

The game was highlighted by Jeremy Goldberg's unfathomably long drive from 14th street to
practically the Lincoln Memorial, stellar fielding that should have landed at least 1 or 2 people in
the Nats' farm system, and an amazing 7 ribbies from James "I crush every pitch" Owens (which
almost didn't happen because the batboy was dogging it around the bags (yeah, I saw you J)).
Heck of a game.

So now we can cruise right from this victory into next week, and keep up the great effing
momentum we've built. We square off against the Grunley Bears, of the Grunley Construction
Company, on Tuesday. Since they probably are all massive construction workers, we'll likely
need a full-out onslaught of first amendment action to put them in their place.

Please let me know if you can make the game on Tuesday, as soon as possible. Also, if I could
maybe have a volunteer to help scout a field and/or assist in lugging our equipment down, I
would really appreciate it.

That's it for now A's. Have a good weekend.

Effing A,

Everyone Wins, 7-30-09

Hola A’s and A's Fans,

For those of you who couldn’t make it to last night’s game, you sure missed a good one. After forging an unlikely alliance between the Effing A’s and the Department of Justice, the A’s/DOJers thoroughly trounced the Un-Indicteds/some other DOJers with a whopping 22-4 smackdown. I think that means we re-indicted them.

The game was highlighted by Jeremy Goldberg’s unfathomably long drive from 14th street to practically the Lincoln Memorial, stellar fielding that should have landed at least 1 or 2 people in the Nats’ farm system, and an amazing 7 ribbies from James “I crush every pitch” Owens (which almost didn’t happen because the batboy was dogging it around the bags (yeah, I saw you). Heck of a game.

So now we can cruise right from this victory into next week, and keep up the great effing momentum we’ve built. We square off against the Grunley Bears, of the Grunley Construction Company, on Tuesday. Since they probably are all massive construction workers, we’ll likely need a full-out onslaught of first amendment action to put them in their place.

Effing A,


Ball Go Here! 6-9-09

Called and Backed Up

Pitcher With the Big Glove! 7-9-09

A's Look on as Intern Womps the Yellow Ball, 9-7-09

Monumental Bats, 7-9-09