Friday, May 28, 2010

Another Victory! (sorta.)

Mornin A’s!

What a great game yesterday! Playing under a benevolent cloud cover and in the midst of a
Biblical-plague sized swarm of bugs, the First Effing Amendments fought valiantly against I’d
Hit That to come from behind in the last inning and pull out a 14-13 victory. Unfortunately,
even after reaching down into the farm system and pulling prospects from the WLO legal intern
team, we couldn’t produce enough female players for the game so it will officially be scored as
a tie (many thanks to Chelsea of the opposing squad for pulling a Benedict Arnold and playing
with us). Everyone who was there knows it was a well-fought, see-saw battle between two very
evenly matched squads. The MVP of the game was Chesa Boudin, who covered a good 10 miles
running around out in left field, bailing out Mike’s poor pitching time and time again. But we
had strong production up and down the lineup, even though our intrepid right fielder Theresa
Shaloub fell victim to a muddy basepath and had to be placed on the DL. It was a great game all
around, and I’m happy to know we actually won, even if it won’t be scored that way.

So now we move into the thick of the season, with two games next week, on Tuesday and
Thursday. On Tuesday we play the not-very-cleverly-named Lions for Climate Protection (of
the Alliance for Climate Protection), and on Thursday we play the Hitmen (not sure who they’re
affiliated with). Both games will start around 6:30pm, and we don’t have fields reserved. So
that means I will A) be eternally grateful to anyone, including interns, who could help me scout
a field and possibly leave earlier than 5pm to do so; and B) be letting you all know via email
sometime Tuesday and Thursday afternoon where the games will be played.

If you can make it out to one or both games, please let me know (with some sort of
affirmative in an email). Also – I need a beer sponsor for Thursday’s game. Perks of
sponsorship include: everyone gets to drink. Sorry, we stopped offering advertisement spots last
season. If you’ve already paid me for your jersey, I’ll bring it with my to whatever game(s) you
can make it to. If you haven’t paid me for your jersey, well, shame on you. Same goes for the
registration fee.

That’s it for now A’s. Try to not put yourselves in too much of a food coma over the holiday
weekend, because on Tuesday we’ve got some Lions to tame! (sorry, I know I’m lame. Just had
to get that in there though)

Effing A,
